Monday, November 16, 2009

Is anyone out there listening?

As my life continues to get busier and busier, I'm letting Alex take a break and stepping in to talk to my readers for a bit. Here is my question-are you out there? Are you reading this blog? If so, why? If not, why not? Anyone in the United States who comments will get a free signed bookmark for my mystery novels so chime in and let me know what you think.
I need to hear from you
Thanks all

Happy reading & Good Coffee,
Lorie Ham


Patty said...

I pop in and out of a lot of blogs, so have read yours once or twice but not always. Don't feel bad, I used to read a lot "always" but don't do that anymore. I like seeing notices in DorothyL or Facebook about the topics of blogs and then go read the ones that catch my interest.

Eileen Kinney said...

Thank you for posting about your Blog. I did not know about it but since I have now read it I have bookmarked it and will return often.

I love to read things like this.
Eileen Kinney
100 Fern Court
Island Lake, Il 60042

LisaMM said...

This is my first visit. I've been blogging about books for over two years and get more than 12,000 hits per month. There are tons of ways to increase your readership. Send me an email if you like.

LorieHam said...

Patty and Lisa thanks for your comments. If you would like to receive a signed book mark please email me and let me
Eileen yours is finally on it's way.

Patty said...

Tried to respond via the email but it bounced. I'll try again later

OKforHuckabee said...

I just found your blog. I had the pleasure of hearing you and your family sing on Guam back around 1990. I really enjoyed your visit to the island back then and was inspired with how your family worked together.